Challenge children through the Book of Joshua to run the race of faith passionately committed to Jesus Christ and His Word!
Olympion inspires young Athletes to run by faith as they trace the Israelites’ odyssey to the Promised Land and witness Joshua’s heroic, faith-filled example of wholehearted allegiance to the Lord.
Why we have titled our VBS “Olympion.”
Great question! The simple version is that the US Olympic committee believes they have the sole rights to words such as Olympic, Olympiad, Olympian, etc. So, to avoid legal issues, we created our own word for this theme’s title. Olympion rhymes with “marathon.” We chose it because it rolls Olympiad, Olympian, champion, and marathon all into one!
“We have had great success reaching children in our community with VBS Reachout Adventures’ curriculum…The curriculum is easy to follow for the directors as well as for the teachers, making recruiting easier. The children love the challenges of earning stickers in their books. The music is fun and easy to learn. Adults in our community who don’t have children attending come to the closing ceremonies each day to hear the music, and, of course, they also receive the gospel message. And the customer service at VBS Reachout Adventures is outstanding. . . Thank you for helping our VBS to be a huge success.”
— Rev. Joe Grider, McIlwain Memorial Presbyterian Church, Pensacola, FL
“Our children absolutely love VBS here at Annapolis Evangelical Presbyterian Church. They can’t wait to get here in the morning and don’t want to leave when it ends. If you ask our dedicated VBS volunteers what makes our VBS such a success, they’ll tell you it’s the wonderful curriculum we use—VBS Reachout Adventures. Reachout is all about the children and introducing them to Jesus Christ. Years ago we looked for a VBS curriculum that was exciting and gospel-centered. We found it in VBS Reachout Adventures.”
— Rev. Bruce O’Neil, Former Pastor, Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, MD
Bible Lessons:
Fear leads to disobedience (Numbers 13:1–14:35, Deuteronomy 1:19-45)
— Volly the Vulture
Faith leads to obedience (Joshua 1:1-11, 16-18; 3:1–5:12)
— Jeriah the Levite
God our Refuge (Joshua 2; 5:13–6:27)
— Redeemed Rahab
God our Judge (Joshua 7:1–8:29, Romans 3:23)
— Rivka, an Israelite Widow
Jesus the Faithful One (Joshua 14, 19, 23-24)
— Joshua, the old faithful leader of Israel
Scripture Memory:
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder, and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.
—Hebrews 12:1-2
All people are weighed down by sin.
“…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” — Romans 3:23