The Portal is NOW OPEN!
Olympion Curriculum Portal
This online resource will contain all the essential tools for Qlympion Directors & Teachers!
The portal contains all items from the Director’s Kit for sharing among your staff. It also offers downloadable artwork, music, support documents, and links to other helpful related resources. The subscription cost to the portal is based on your anticipated number of children as follows:
- 1 to 25 children ~ $100
- 26 to 99 children ~ $200
- 100 to 199 children ~ $350
- 200 + children ~ $500
The portal will open before February 1st!

- Instrumental and with lyrics
- Hand motions training video
- Piano music
- Guitar chords
Maranatha Marathon
- An incredible Scripture Memory Program to use during your VBS event as well as follow-up programs.
Learning Site Suggestions
Use to create decorations, publicity pieces, banners, directional signs, & more. Included in it:
- Hi-res graphics for outdoor banners and staging
- Gospel Presentation (PowerPoint®)
- Olympion Song Lyrics (PowerPoint®)
The portal also includes theses other resources:
Student Logbook Answer Sheets
Tips and Alternate Ways to Use Olympion
Recommended Missions/Ministry Projects
Links to Additional Resources