Upward Bound Portal and Curriculum Contents

NOTE: Purchase options and samples will be available soon.
Portal Contents
This online resource will contain all the essential tools for Upward Bound Directors & Teachers!
The portal contains all items from the Director’s Kit for sharing among your staff. It also offers downloadable artwork, music, support documents, and links to other helpful related resources. The subscription cost to the portal is based on your anticipated number of children as follows:
- 1 to 25 children ~ $100
- 26 to 99 children ~ $200
- 100 to 199 children ~ $350
- 200 + children ~ $500
The portal will open before February 1st!
Director’s Kit Contents (in PDF format) Online
- Teacher’s Guides
- Bible Lesson Curriculum
- Craft Curriculum
- Gospel Presentation
- Assemblies Manual
- Recreation Packet
- Instrumental and with lyrics
- Hand motions training video
- Piano music
- Guitar chords
Use to create decorations, publicity pieces, banners, directional signs, & more. Included in it:
- Hi-res graphics for outdoor banners and staging
- Gospel Presentation (PowerPoint®)
Learning Site Suggestions
Upward Bound Curriculum at Glance
The Director’s Kit: This all-in-one organizer is a must-have for new Upward Bound & Reachout veterans alike!
Only one Director’s Kit is needed per church. The appropriate contents of the Director’s Kit will also be available to you on the portal in .pdf format (subscription required). Note: Click any of the images of the curriculum books to see an 8-page sample of its content.
Director’s Guide
32 pages filled with planning & directing help to make your job as Director easier than ever! Includes the following & more:
The Director’s Kit contents shown below are available in PDF form on the portal for easy distribution to your volunteers and teachers.
Two Age-Specific Teacher Guides
(2’s & 3’s and 4’s–6 Grades)
Upward Bound overview & comprehensive instructions for all classroom coordinators, teachers, & assistants.
Gospel Presentation Manual
Complete guidelines for preparing & presenting Upward Bound’s unique 6-step daily gospel presentation.
Craft Curriculum
Crafts for all ages, suitable for any size group! Developed to complement & reinforce the Bible lesson truths & Upward Bound theme with detailed instructions, reproducible patterns, & project introductions. Includes both crafts & lessons for 4’s–K. (Supplies not included)
Recreation Manual
Lively theme-related, age-specific recreation schedule for 4’s–Grade 6 Athletes, written exclusively for Upward Bound. It includes detailed game instructions, a materials list, theme-related introductions, and rainy-day suggestions.
Assemblies Manual
Fabulous scripts that do it all for you! They include everything you need for great daily assemblies, skits that complement and bring to life the daily gospel presentation, and a comprehensive Closing Program plan.
Student Packets
Student Log-Books — illustrated pages (depending on grade level) including memory work, daily Bible readings, and lesson application worksheets; medal sticker page; original theme-related gospel presentation; service projects; and more! Grade levels are based on grades completed.
Note: Click the image of the Trail Log to see an 8-page sample of its content.
Please use UPS or Priority Mail when shipping teachers’ packets or student books.
Teachers Packet

Teacher Guide —VBS overview & complete instructions for classroom teachers & assistants; Two age-specific guides: 2s – 3s and 4s– 6th grade.
Bible Lesson Curriculum — 27 full-color peel-off stickers to transform each Training Log’s center section sticker page into a “successful event” listing—bursting with color!
Age-Specific Training Log (2s and 3s do not receive an additional Training Log)
Please use UPS or Priority Mail when shipping teachers’ packets or student books.